January 2025 Update

Okay... So I am going to be straight with you all I have been pushing myself hard to work on the game, a lot of the motivation and flow for the game has sort of dropped off. I want to keep working on the game and getting its story at least present but right now I feel like I jumped a bit to fast into too big of a problem, the early alpha build of the game needed a lot longer cooking than I gave it. It may sound like I am giving up but I'm not. I am simply taking a step back, getting my thoughts and wants for the game jotted down, and getting my priorities set for the game before returning. One major thing that I am thinking of changing off the bat is turning the game from an open world experience to a more guided game with story beats at certain locations, an example either being Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess. I feel that an open world tiny game more like Grounded could work but with my development style it wouldn't really be good. I am also going to stop with the monthly updates for the game, no real point in making these posts if nothing is really going on in the development process.

Now while this project may be slowing down that isn't to say that I haven't been developing anything. I don't wanna give away too much yet but lets just say I have a puzzling experience coming up for you all. I look forward to showing more when it is ready.

EDIT: Forgot to include the actual update for the game. Here it is, note that this is only the forge house so there won't be much here. Its more an idea of what I was going for when I made it and somewhat helps to illustrate just how little I actually had planned when I jumped into this.


Version 0.1.0 F (Only the Forge Map)
3 days ago

Get Project Minish(Working Title)

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